
Law office specialized in criminal law, family law and domestic violence. Does it sound interesting? For me it does. I have always wanted to practise criminal law, to be a lawyer, a representative of the injured, to defend the rights in criminal proceedings. As soon as I started to specialize in domestic violence and stalking (both defence of the defendants and representation of the injured), because this is an area that not many lawyers have a good grasp of, family law became part of my job automatically. These three fields have their own particularities, but they are similar as well. The lawyer-client relationship must be very strong and based on trust because a client entrusts the lawyer with their most valuable things – their freedom, children and story.

We will not help you to found a joint stock company, we will not move your enterprises abroad neither help you to award a public contract. Since we believe in specialisation. As there are no single physicians for all diseases, lawyers should also find their specialisation. The one who does everything is usually not good at anything. We will defend and protect you in criminal proceedings, we will guard you during your divorce and scramble for children and property. We know how to do it and we are excellent at it.

Thank you to all of our past, current and future clients for their trust and confidence.
Contacts information
AK Hrdá, s.r.o.
Vinohradská 343/6
120 00 Prague 2
reg. No. CBA: 11778
ID No.: 067 17 969
TAX No.: CZ 067 17 969
phone: +420 777 273 601
ID data boxes: f2jhgwe
e-mail: office@akhrda.cz
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